The Power of Bicycles - The Power of You

Fundraise for World Bicycle Relief and join supporters around the globe empowering people two wheels at a time. It doesn't have to be with wheels, do whatever inspires you to make a difference. Whether you want to mobilize one student or provide bicycles to an entire school, we can't wait to work with you to share the Power of Bicycles with others around the world. Plus, we've got the tools you can use to engage your community and help you reach your goal. What are you waiting for? Let's get started!

This is how it works

Your Event


Set challenges, inspire others and give the Power of Bicycles! No challenge is too small. We can all make a difference through our passion whether it be a bike race, climbing a mountain or running a marathon.


Are you celebrating a birthday, wedding or an anniversary? Why not use this to empower school children through the Power of Bicycles? Join us and inspire others to do the same in celebrating you.

School Fundraiser

Start a fundraiser at your school and inspire others to give the Power of Bicycles!

Your own idea

Do you have other creative ideas for your fundraiser? Great! Do whatever inspires you, inspire others and give the Power of Bicycles!

Let us inspire you

Our favourite campaigns: creative, motivating and successful.

Show your friends what you are doing

Mobilized Communities

World Bicycle Relief mobilizes people through The Power of Bicycles. Our mission is to create access to education, healthcare, and economic ...

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