Global, 05.06.2021
Event Goal
of EUR 30'000 raised
EUR 47'962
of EUR 30'000 raised
no time limit
111 Individual fundraising pages
835 Donations


Do you believe girls can change the world? Grab your bike and unite with riders from around the globe in celebration of World Bicycle Day this June as we Pedal to Empower women and girls in need with life-changing bicycles! Whether you pedal around the block or push yourself to set a personal record, join World Bicycle Relief's annual ride and make a world of difference.

Join the Movement

We’re on a mission to get you on a bike - any age, any ability, anywhere. Whether you ride around your neighborhood, up a mountain, or on your indoor trainer we’re excited for you to join us on June 5th. 

We’ve got inspiration for you to create your own Pedal to Empower adventure. Learn more.

Wherever you are in the world, let's PEDAL TO EMPOWER together.

This is how it works



Pedal to Empower 2021 Participants

Make your contribution to one of the riders of this year's Pedal to empower event.

Join us for an adventure on two wheels.

If you want to pedal along, click 'Fundraise' and be a part of the fun on 5 June. If you want to support with a donation, you will be helping get more women and girls on bikes in countries around the world to achieve independence and thrive. Together we will raise more money for World Bicycle Relief than we ever could alone! Come join the squad!
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