Update #2
2 years ago

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Why Mobilized Communities
We are convinced that a simple bicycle can change a life forever. That is why we are collecting donations for 'World Bicycle Relief'. Thanks to the bicycles, they can overcome the long distances to school, to patients or to the next market and shape their future with their own strength. A Buffalo bike costs 147 €.
Every donation counts!
Wir sind überzeugt, dass ein einfaches Fahrrad ein Leben für immer verändern kann. Deshalb sammeln wir Spenden für 'World Bicycle Relief'. Dank der Fahrräder können sie die langen Wege zur Schule, zu Patienten oder zum nächsten Markt überwinden und ihre Zukunft aus eigener Kraft gestalten. Ein Buffalo-Fahrrad kostet 147 €.
Jede Spende zählt!

Mobilized Communities

World Bicycle Relief mobilizes people through The Power of Bicycles. Our mission is to create access to education, healthcare, and economic opportunities in developing regions of the world where distance is a challenge. We envision a world where distance is no longer a barrier to independence and livelihood.

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27 donations received

EUR 147
Andreas Geise
a year ago
EUR 49
Anton Siegordner
a year ago
EUR 30
Nils Heiße
a year ago
EUR 27
Nils Heisse
a year ago
EUR 408
Anonymous donor
a year ago
EUR 10
Oskar Tanz
a year ago
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