Team Members
Do you like our Bicycles for Gender Equality purpose– please join our team!
raised EUR 670
raised EUR 700
raised EUR 95
raised EUR 414
raised CHF 135
raised EUR 0
raised EUR 45

Update #1
3 years ago from Anna C Weyerhaeuser

Do you believe girls can change the world? I do!

Please grab your bike and unite with me and other riders from around the globe in celebration of World Bicycle Day on June 5th as we Pedal to Empower women and girls in need with life-changing bicycles!

Why are we campaigning for Bicycles for Gender Equality
Dear friends,

We are thrilled to share that we are helping to change lives through the Power of Bicycles! We are raising funds and awareness for World Bicycle Relief, a global nonprofit organization committed to helping individuals overcome the barrier of distance in developing communities around the world.

Please consider supporting us as we work to empower women and girls through the Power of Bicycles. Every donation makes a difference and helps put brand-new Buffalo Bicycles into the hands of a person in need!

Thank you for your support.

Bicycles for Gender Equality

Investing in women and girls will change the world. With bicycles, they can access education, healthcare and livelihoods to break the cycle of poverty and thrive.

12 donations received

EUR 200
Richard Rüttiger
donation to Kristina
3 years ago
EUR 100
Werner Reimold
donation to Juana
3 years ago
EUR 670
Georg & Maria Fink
donation to Eva
3 years ago
EUR 500
Anonymous donor
donation to Kristina
3 years ago
EUR 45
Lena Glemser
donation to Lena
3 years ago
EUR 23
Dominik Reimold
donation to Juana
3 years ago
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