Update #1
a year ago

A huge bravo to the boarding running club!

Warum Mobilität Für Alle
CDL Athletics dept. challenged the boarding students to run a week's worth of commuting to school for the average recipient of a WBR bike. In the time they took to do this as a relay team, we thought we could cycle all the way around Lac Léman (170 km).

We couldn't. After 5 hours of running / riding, we were beaten by 3 minutes! Never have we been so delighted to be beaten by a group of talented and motivated students! Chapeau to each and every one of you!

The team who was last home had agreed to buy a bike for World Bicycle Relief (CHF 155). That's done already, but we would love to send some more bikes their way, please feel free to donate here, every little helps!

Mobilität Für Alle

World Bicycle Relief macht Menschen mit Fahrrädern mobil. In Regionen, in denen Distanz Menschen daran hindert voranzukommen, wollen wir mit einfacher und umweltfreundlicher Mobilität Zugang zu Bildung, Gesundheit und wirtschaftlichen Chancen schaffen. Unsere Vision ist eine Welt, in der Entfernung kein Hindernis mehr für Bildung und Gesundheit, persönliche, soziale oder wirtschaftliche Entwicklung ist.

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Spenden erhalten 7

CHF 155
Anonymer Spender
a year ago
EUR 49
Thomas Moores
a year ago
CHF 50
«Great Effort Guys»
a year ago
CHF 50
Roberta Di GIA'
a year ago
EUR 49
Alec Robertson
a year ago
CHF 155
Jamie Robertson
a year ago
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