Warum Mobilität Für Alle
A bicycle that can change a life?

Cycling is a big part of my life, but even though riding my bike is my favourite way to move around, it's more a pleasure than a necessity – well, to be honest sometimes it's suffering as well ;-)

In other parts of the world, the lack of efficient and reliable transportation adversely affects economic and social development in regions where distance is a barrier. Bicycles are a quite simple, low-cost and eco-friendly mode of transportation but can significantly improve the access to education and healthcare in developing rural areas.

At this year's Giro delle Dolomiti I'm going to challenge myself and ride all six stages with 640 km and 9,660 of elevation gain in total, aiming to push my limits and raise donations of 1,450 EUR - enough for World Bicycle Relief to afford ten bicycles.

Let's ride bikes and make a difference!

Mobilität Für Alle

World Bicycle Relief macht Menschen mit Fahrrädern mobil. In Regionen, in denen Distanz Menschen daran hindert voranzukommen, wollen wir mit einfacher und umweltfreundlicher Mobilität Zugang zu Bildung, Gesundheit und wirtschaftlichen Chancen schaffen. Unsere Vision ist eine Welt, in der Entfernung kein Hindernis mehr für Bildung und Gesundheit, persönliche, soziale oder wirtschaftliche Entwicklung ist.

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Spenden erhalten 6

EUR 49
Uwe Rempis
2 years ago
EUR 100
2 years ago
EUR 50
2 years ago
EUR 10
Anonymer Spender
2 years ago
EUR 147
Anonymer Spender
«Bike on!»
2 years ago
EUR 49
Anonymer Spender
2 years ago
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