Update #2
2 years ago

I made it home for Christmas!

Two long and cold days on the bike. Over 500km in my legs.
I'm super happy that I pushed through when it was tough and cold and equally happy for all the stunning views, funny thoughts (your brain can start acting weird when bored) and support that I've received.

Most importantly, thanks to everyone who's already donated!
It's truly amazing that we've already raised money for over 13 bikes. Bikes that will change people's lives!

For everyone who still wants to donate to World Bicycle Relief, this page will be active until New Year's Eve. Every Euro has an impact and is more than appreciated!

Ältere Updates
Warum Mobilität Für Alle
Hey everyone!

This year, I've decided to cycle home for Christmas.
I'll cover 500km from Berlin to Borghorst within two days.
Each day I'll spend over ten hours on my bike, starting and finishing in the dark.

This may sound tough but I’m grateful that I have the option to travel by bike. If I had to walk, I'd need at least 10 days to get home – 5 times longer than on my bike. What seems like a theoretical thought in Germany is reality for millions of people in other areas of this world! For them, having a bike changes their lives.

World Bicycle Relief, manufactures and distributes bikes in Africa to those who otherwise had to walk. They enable students to visit schools, medical staff to reach their patients and entrepreneurs to sell their products on markets.

Join me in supporting World Bicycle Relief’s mission to mobilize people in rural areas of Africa!
Each bike costs 147€ and changes one person’s life.
Let’s see how many lives we can change together!

Mobilität Für Alle

World Bicycle Relief macht Menschen mit Fahrrädern mobil. In Regionen, in denen Distanz Menschen daran hindert voranzukommen, wollen wir mit einfacher und umweltfreundlicher Mobilität Zugang zu Bildung, Gesundheit und wirtschaftlichen Chancen schaffen. Unsere Vision ist eine Welt, in der Entfernung kein Hindernis mehr für Bildung und Gesundheit, persönliche, soziale oder wirtschaftliche Entwicklung ist.

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Spenden erhalten 31

EUR 500
2 years ago
EUR 49
Regine Sina
«Du bist der Hammer!!! 🤜🏼🤛🏼 Mega Leistung!»
2 years ago
CHF 500
2 years ago
EUR 100
Jona Caspar Bähr
2 years ago
EUR 200
Matthias C. Dräger
2 years ago
EUR 26
Anonymer Spender
2 years ago
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