Update #1
4 years ago

Libertad Avenue son productos sostenibles para ciclistas urbanos.
Nos dedicamos al calzado y los accesorios para ir en bicicleta por la ciudad.

Estamos haciendo una campaña puntual de intercambio de mascarillas por una aportación a esta ONG. Las personas hacen una aportación económica y a cambio les enviamos su casa las mascarillas.

Nos puedes contactar en: info@libertadavenue.com y en nuestras redes sociales.

En enero hicimos un crowdfunding. Durante la emergencia COVID decidimos hacer mascarillas para enviar de regalo a las personas que participaron en nuestra preventa.

Las personas que recibían las mascarillas publicaban fotos y sus amigos empezaron a pedir y así nació esta campaña.

Estamos felices de aportar bicicletas y salud al mundo :)

www.libertadavenue.com - @libertad_avenue

Why Bicycles for Healthcare
World Bicycle Relief is scaling up to help vulnerable families and they need our help.

The Covid-19 pandemic is affecting every single one of us. As we all work to care for our loved ones, we shouldn't forget the communities which are most at-risk. As you can imagine, the people in rural Africa are extremely vulnerable to the current global health pandemic and I know bicycles can make a difference.

With bicycles World Bicycle Relief can mobilize rural frontline health workers. These health workers are often the only reliable medical providers for families in rural communities, traveling long distances to provide information, prevention and treatment.

Mobilizing these heroes with bicycles will enable them to help 10x more families, therewith inform 10x more people how to protect themselves - and finally save lives.

Bicycles for Healthcare

With two wheels, health volunteers are saving lives. They’re working to eliminate malaria, cure diseases, teach health and nutrition, and visit more homebound patients.

Read more

30 donations received

EUR 12
Ester Perez
4 years ago
EUR 15
Andrea Parra
4 years ago
EUR 150
Clínica Gran Vía 40 Mercedes Ugedo
4 years ago
EUR 15
Begoña Ortiz
4 years ago
Beatriz Zotes
4 years ago
EUR 80
Amaia Zabala
4 years ago
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