Pourquoi Des Vélos pour l'éducation
Dear friends and acquaintances, at least once a year it's time to do something useful with time and have some fun whilst doing it. Obviously, it's time for Techbikers again. Most of you know the deal: let's create social impact.

Our goal is to raise 40,000 Euro for World Bicycle Relief to mobilize school children in rural Zambia with robust bicycles that give them access to education. Many of them have to walk long distances to school, they arrive late, not regularly and tired, if they make it to school at all. Imagine what your life would be like if you had to overcome such obstacles. The luck we've had might be useful to others now, so let's get the (digital) wallets out and donate.

Every 134 EUR donation provides one Buffalo Bicycle. I personally will donate too, so make sure you keep up. This is a competition with hopefully a lot of winners. And of course, it is tax deductible.

Thanks for your time and your money!

Des Vélos pour l'éducation

En fournissant des vélos aux enfants, en particulier aux filles, vous pouvez leur permettre d’accéder à l’éducation et changer le cours de leur vie.

Lire la suite

Dons reçus 11

EUR 45
Tobias de Raet
il y a 4 ans
EUR 50
David Aguirre
il y a 4 ans
EUR 500
Kai Ehlers
il y a 4 ans
EUR 100
Marc Suchland
il y a 4 ans
EUR 134
Gregor Swatek
«Gib gas!»
il y a 4 ans
EUR 45
Dagmar Lessnau
il y a 4 ans
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