Mise à jour #1
il y a 3 ans

Was für ein toller Start...
Ich freue mich sehr über jede einzelne Spende, die schon eingegangen ist und noch viel mehr über eine Gruppe von anonymen Spendern, die jede Spende bis zum 15. Juni verdoppeln werden. Das ist fantastisch.

Vielen lieben Dank für eure Unterstützung!

What a great start...
I am very happy about every single contribution that has already been donated. And I'm even more happy to announce that there is a group of anonymous supporters who will double up every donation coming in until June 15. This is fantastic.

Thank you so much for your support!

Pourquoi Des Vélos pour l'éducation
To me, the bicycle is more than just a way of transportation.

A simple bicycle is the beginning of independence and the chance for a better life. Above all, it helps to protect the climate and our planet. That's why the great work of World Bicycle Relief is very important to me.

Right now I am about to turn my dream into reality - once around the world, only by bike, swimming and walking. I'm already half way through, with a total of almost 35000 km by bike alone. And I still have 7 months more to go.

My goal at the end of the triathlon:
Upon arrival in Munich, I would like to donate a little bit of freedom with a bicycle to at least 70 children. These bikes are specially developed by WBR for the rural areas of Africa. With your support you can help children in Africa, especially girls, have easier access to education and making their own dreams come true. Every €134 donated provides a life-changing bicycle.

Every donation counts!

Education & climate protection is particularly important to me. Bicycles are not only the most energy efficient way of transportation, but it also has been proven that they have a positive impact on education. In rural areas of Africa, children cover enormous distances every day to get to school. Nearly 6 hours per week can be saved in school commute time with a Buffalo bicycle. This significantly increases & facilitates access to education - especially for girls. Studies show that access to bicycles leads to higher school enrollment, lower dropout rates, better punctuality, lower absenteeism, better performance on tests, and potential benefits in later productivity and income. Thanks to World Bicycle Relief's bicycles, they are able to overcome long distances to school and shape their own futures. Girls' education and family planning together can save almost the most emissions (119.2 gigatons). Thus, education & family planning is a solution to reduce CO2.

Des Vélos pour l'éducation

En fournissant des vélos aux enfants, en particulier aux filles, vous pouvez leur permettre d’accéder à l’éducation et changer le cours de leur vie.

Lire la suite

Dons reçus 147

EUR 100
Michael Schwarz
il y a 3 ans
EUR 100
Clemens Rath
il y a 3 ans
EUR 49
il y a 3 ans
EUR 134
Irmgard Schneidhuber
il y a 3 ans
EUR 147
Klaus Horster
il y a 3 ans
EUR 50
Donateur anonyme
il y a 3 ans
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