Warum Fahrräder für Bildung
The Techbikers idea was born on the Google Campus in 2012 reaching out to the tech community to put down their laptops and pick up a bike. 40 riders, three days and 450 km - it's all about networking, sharing ideas, spreading the start-up vibe, taking on a physical challenge and equally important: creating social impact.

As entrepreneurs in the tech community we want to take responsibility and stand up for social change in the world. This year, the riders will enter new terrain: from the Baltic Sea to Berlin. We will give our best to conquer all challenges as a group and to raise funds for less fortunate people in the developing world.

Our goal is to raise 40,000 Euro for World Bicycle Relief to mobilize school children in rural Zambia with robust bicycles that give them access to education. Many of them have to walk long distances to school, they arrive late, not regularly and tired, if they make it to school at all.

Every 134 EUR donation provides one Buffalo Bicycle, 45 EUR are

Fahrräder für Bildung

Indem wir Kindern, insbesondere Mädchen, Fahrräder zur Verfügung stellen, stärken wir sie auf ihrem Weg zu einem Schulabschluss, der letztlich ihr ganzes Leben beeinflusst. In die Schulbildung von Mädchen zu investieren, bedeutet den Kreislauf der Armut zu durchbrechen.

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Spenden erhalten 36

EUR 23
Marion Zahr
4 years ago
EUR 23
Karin Kiesl
4 years ago
EUR 200
Carl-Peter Gerlach
4 years ago
Björn Sauermilch
4 years ago
EUR 23
Ronny Hoeher
4 years ago
EUR 23
Florian Grimm
4 years ago
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