Pourquoi Des Vélos pour l'éducation
Dear friends, colleagues, family and new acquittances,

We have decided as the Tableau North - Nordics team 1 get together in support of a great cause. As part of our fundraiser activity on 12th May, our team along with six other teams in Tableau will cycle/walk 382+ miles in total. Each team will be looking to raise a similar amount of funds which will help us donate more than 220 bikes to people in need.

Please support in any way possible - big or small. More details below on the amazing work World Bicycle Relief are doing!
In many rural areas across the globe children are denied access to basic needs due to the barrier of distance. World Bicycle Relief’s mission is to provide sustainable, appropriate bicycles to mobilise and empower individuals and communities so they can travel to schools, clinics and markets.

£120 is all it takes to give a child access to an education and a belief in the Power of Bicycles.

Des Vélos pour l'éducation

En fournissant des vélos aux enfants, en particulier aux filles, vous pouvez leur permettre d’accéder à l’éducation et changer le cours de leur vie.

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Encore aucun don reçu

Donne l’exemple et faites votre premier don!
Le lien de l'invitation a été copié dans le clipboard