Pourquoi Des Vélos pour l'éducation
I ride my bike every day and want to make this possible for others as well. That's why I'm joining Techbikers again.

This year’s donations will finance a designated education program for Kanyangala Community School in Kafue District, Zambia.
Kanyangala is a small primary school. Many of the kids have to walk several kilometers to school, resulting in arriving late and not making it regularly. Distance is a barrier, especially for girls.

Let's support them: One complete Buffalo Bike (I would love to have one myself for the bumpy "cycle paths" in Berlin) is only 134 EUR. A tool kit for the local mechanics is 45 EUR.

Every Euro helps! Find out more on www.worldbicylerelief.org

Des Vélos pour l'éducation

En fournissant des vélos aux enfants, en particulier aux filles, vous pouvez leur permettre d’accéder à l’éducation et changer le cours de leur vie.

Lire la suite

Dons reçus 8

EUR 100
Robert Maier
il y a 4 ans
il y a 4 ans
EUR 66
Uli Schmitz
il y a 4 ans
EUR 23
Jana Baum
«I want to ride my bicycle, I want to ride my bike...»
il y a 4 ans
EUR 45
Joerg Gerbig
il y a 4 ans
EUR 45
Tobias de Raet
il y a 4 ans
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