Update #1
3 years ago

Yes! The first few donations are a fact! Thanks everybody for helping us.
Next week we will host a lottery, all ticket sale will be donated. We've already sold tickets for €150,-!

Keep you updated!

Warum Fahrräder für Bildung
Dear Friends,

As Babboe, we know better than anyone that a (cargo) bike can make life much easier. This is why we are supporting World Bicycle Relief. We are supporting their mission to use the bicycle as a means of improving the lives of people in developing regions. Because a bicycle that we take for granted can be a lifesaver for someone else. And just like them we believe in the power of the bicycle!

World Bicycle Relief is an organization providing access to independence and livelihood through The Power of Bicycles. The money raised through our fundraiser helps to provide specially designed, locally assembled bicycles to students, health care workers and entrepreneurs in rural developing regions; connecting them with education, healthcare, and economic opportunities.

A Buffalo Bicycle costs 147 EUR or 155 CHF. Every donation counts.

What are you waiting for? Let's get rolling!

Team Babboe

Fahrräder für Bildung

Indem wir Kindern, insbesondere Mädchen, Fahrräder zur Verfügung stellen, stärken wir sie auf ihrem Weg zu einem Schulabschluss, der letztlich ihr ganzes Leben beeinflusst. In die Schulbildung von Mädchen zu investieren, bedeutet den Kreislauf der Armut zu durchbrechen.

Mehr lesen

Spenden erhalten 28

EUR 20
Peter MacLean
2 years ago
EUR 26
Karin Hooijer
2 years ago
EUR 23
Anton Nijhuis
3 years ago
Lorenzo Perna
3 years ago
EUR 26
3 years ago
Markus Brutscher
3 years ago
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