Pourquoi Des Vélos pour l'éducation

I am supporting World Bicycle Relief, an organization providing access to independence and livelihood through The Power of Bicycles, with a personal fundraiser. The money raised through my fundraiser helps to provide specially designed, locally assembled bicycles to students in rural Africa; connecting them with education, healthcare, and economic opportunities.

World Bicycle Relief is currently working to provide bicycles to students (70% girls), teachers, and educational workers in rural parts of Africa. For 134 EUR or 147 CHF, World Bicycle Relief can provide a Buffalo Bicycle to a student in need. Every donation helps.

What are you waiting for? Let's get rolling!

Des Vélos pour l'éducation

En fournissant des vélos aux enfants, en particulier aux filles, vous pouvez leur permettre d’accéder à l’éducation et changer le cours de leur vie.

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Dons reçus 1

EUR 200
Harald Bl.
«Jeder sollte ein Rad haben.❤️»
il y a 2 ans
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