Team Members
Do you like our Bicycles for Education purpose– please join our team!
raised EUR 200

Why are we campaigning for Bicycles for Education
VALEO IT Neteye GmbH will einen Betrag von 5.000 € für World Bicycle Relief gGmbH sammeln. Mach mit, spende jetzt für World Bicycle Relief gGmbH

Bicycles for Education

By providing bicycles to children, especially girls, you can empower them with knowledge and ultimately, change the course of their lives.

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14 donations received

EUR 1'500
VALEO IT Neteye GmbH Norbert von Breidbach-Buerresheim
2 months ago
EUR 150
Marcel Rohrer
3 months ago
EUR 80
Christina Schneider
9 months ago
EUR 30
Sonja Glauert
11 months ago
EUR 80
Elke Kunzmann
a year ago
EUR 80
Anonymous donor
a year ago
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